Onchocerciasis (River Blindness)
Onchocerciasis or River Blindness is the second-leading cause of blindness in the world. The drug ivermectin, especially when combined with other agents can be effective. Research on this condition is helpful since it provides parameters on the use of ivermectin including its safety in pregnancy, breast feeding and children.
External Links (a separate tab will open)
CDC Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD)
Ovarian Cancer
Cancer Program
Cancer Key References
The metabolic addiction of cancer stem cells.2022
Environmental Causes are 80+%. This controversial article by a major medical journal concludes that environment is more influential than genetics for most cancers:
Stem Cells, supports the model of cancer that was promoted by the Gonzalez lineage (Beard, Kelley, Issacs)
Cancer-Stem-Cells-and-Macrophages-Implications-in-Tumor-Biology-and-Therapeutic-Strategies.2016 (large file, new tab opens)
Warburg Effect
On the Origin of Cancer Cells 2011 **
Cancer and Lipid Metabolism
To be or not to be a fat burner, that is the question for cpt1c in cancer cells.2023
Emerging Roles of Lipophagy in Cancer Metastasis.2022
Lipids-CAncer 94 Cited In for PMID_ 29907133 – Search Results – PubMed
Emerging role of lipid metabolism alterations in Cancer stem cells.2018
Lab prognosticators include CRP, high Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio
File Access
Iron and Cancer
Ferroptosis—Cancer Stem Cells Rely on Iron until ‘to Die for’ It.2021
Enzymes are used by all of the major alternative approaches:
Water and Cancer
Transmembrane Mucins- Signaling Receptors at the Intersection of Inflammation and Cancer.2017.r
mucosal surface citations 2020_05_25
Nutrient (mineral) deficiencies and cancer
Iodine and Cancer Video by Dr. Brownstein, be sure to see the last 10 minutes!
Urinary Iodine Concentrations in Cancer Patients
File Access
The magic of black seed oil:
Thymoquinone, as a Novel Therapeutic Candidate of Cancers.202
Thymoquinone– Potential cure for inflammatory disorders and cancer.2012
Artemisinin our Ultimate Cancer Weapon a Gift from China – Jeffrey Dach MD
Several pharmaceuticals have shown promise:
Drug Repurposing, an Attractive Strategy in Pancreatic Cancer.2021.italy
post pending…
Body Fat Depots and Cancer Risk.Mayo.2016
File Access
Osteoporosis and Osteopenia (“OP”) are conditions where the bones lose their structural integrity, usually by loss of minerals (such as calcium, magnesium) and matrix (collagen). The usual “cause” of OP is is hormonal, with loss of estrogen and testosterone as we age (moreso in women than men), excess of other hormones (cortisone, parathyroid hormone), inflammation (rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis), and nutritional deficiencies of calcium, magnesium, vitamin-d, vitamin-k, and vitamin-a. Other less “popular” nutrients such as omega-3 oils (“fish oils”), B-vitamins, strontium, silicon and others contribute to bone health.
Testing for bone density is conventionally done with a Dexascan, a form of xray that looks at the density of the bone in the hip, lumbar spine and wrist. It compares the density to that of a 26-year-old woman, so essentially everyone over this age will show some degree of normal loss. The line between normal bone, osteopenia and osteoporosis is somewhat arbitrarily set by certain values called the T-score. A value of less than -1.0 is the criteria for osteopenia while less than -2.0 is osteoporosis. Dexascan values can be different in the hip, spine and wrist which is why all three areas are evaluated. It is prudent to have a baseline Dexascan around the time of menopause for women, and for men and women when any fracture occurs in a unusual manner. Dexascan values take approximately two years to change for the better or worse, which is why they are recommended at this interval when OP is found. Interventions include nutrition, weight-bearing exercise, medications and correction of underlying metabolic conditions, infections, gut dysfunctions, deficiencies and toxicities. These will be discussed elsewhere.
A thorough evaluation for the cause of OP should include at the least blood tests for Vitamin-D, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin-K, inflammation, amino acids that are involved in collagen formation (such as proline and lysine) and hormonal imbalances. While Vitamin C is important for collagen formation, there is no blood test that can accurately assess Vitamin C levels, so other ways to assess Vitamin C status are utilized when indicated.
There are additional tests that are offered by conventional and alternative medicine that can help elucidate the factors involved in unexplained OP. This page will be expanded soon so check back if this topic is important to you.
Article by Dr. Cheikin – Bone Health and the Fear of Osteoporosis
Article by Dr. Cheikin – Magnificent Magnesium
Patients/Members Only
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