Updated December 20, 2022
Detox Program
Glutathione is the major detoxifier of the body. It attaches to molecules to enable them to be removed from the body. It cannot be taken orally (directly), since it is broken down in the stomach.
Glutathione is a “tri-peptide”, meaning that it is made from three amino acids: glutamine, cysteine and glycine. Taking these three amino acids can enable the body to synthesize glutathione.
It is also re-generated with vitamin C, which in part is how vitamin C helps with detox.
Since most bacteria, yeast, viruses and parasites that make us sick do so by making toxins that block certain processes, supporting glutathione production helps the immune system fight these infections.
Also, when we take agents (antibiotics, herbals, chemotherapy) that kill undesirable cells, the waste products of this killing can make us sick, called a “die-off”, “Herximer reaction” or “healing crisis”. Taking the glutathione precursors above can help mitigate these toxic effects.
Glutathione can be taken by IV or suppository. There are liposomal forms that can be taken by mouth, but their cost and quality at present limit their use for many people (and may not be that effective). Again, taking agents that support its manufacture and re-cycling can be very effective. The suppositories can be made at home, bought on Amazon or ordered from a compounding pharmacy; but dosing and other considerations should be supervised by a knowledgeable licensed practitioner.
The cysteine component provides sulfur, which is a sticky atom and enables glutathione to attach to molecules. There are several forms of nutritional sulfur that can be helpful.
Role of Glutathionylation in Infection and Inflammation.2019