Visit Shortcuts (patients only)
Visits Descriptions
COVID Update: All the visits reviewed below are done by Zoom. Exceptions are Visit 2, where there is a physical exam (using proper precautions) and in circumstances where Zoom will not work (computer issues, hearing issues, etc.) Please feel free to discuss any concerns with the staff. For Dr. Cheikin’s position on COVID, click here.
Before scheduling your first visit, we will provide you with a few basic documents. These are designed to orient you to our Holistic Program. Our proprietary Readiness Survey will help you assess your busy lifestyle to identify the areas which can help you achieve your health goals.
You will be reviewing these documents with the doctor during your first visit. Any burning questions and urgencies will be addressed. The doctor will also screen for any issues that might compromise safety or outcome of our process. Occasionally new patients require conventional evaluation (such as for the heart or brain) while engaged in our evaluation process.
Go to Visit Preparation here.
Your first visit will orient you to how our Holistic evaluation and healing process can help you achieve your goals as safely and efficiently as possible.
Prior to the visit, you will complete a comprehensive intake packet that begins with your primary concerns, goals and theories of what is happening (“internet diagnosis”). Additional surveys review your symptoms, past history, family history, medications, supplements and readiness to engage in the holistic process.
You will spend a minimum of 45 minutes with the doctor where the above documents are reviewed in detail. Any burning questions and urgencies will be addressed. The doctor will also screen for any issues that might compromise safety or outcome of our process. Occasionally new patients require conventional evaluation (such as for the heart or brain) while engaged in our evaluation process.
Go to Visit 1 preparation here.
In Visit 2, we will 1) perform a comprehensive physical examination (that includes elements of Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine), 2) review old documents and labs, 3) review surveys of your lifestyle to identify some potential early changes, 4) review past and current foods (diet) plans and gastro-intestinal (“GI”) history, looking for food allergies, leaky gut, sibo, other infections, and potential deficiencies; and 5) teach you how to do a test dose protocol for the GI system.
Go to Visit 2 preparation here.
The third visit is a “CSI Cold Case”, where we look into your past to identify hidden factors that cause disease and limit healing. Most of are dealing with medical conditions (such as infections, antibiotics, allergies and gut issues) and psycho-spiritual traumas that go back to childhood. We will review surveys for past and current yeast (Candida), toxins, traumas and stressors. For many, these surveys uncover potential for healing not previously understood.
We will also design the lab order sheet for your first metabolic panel (vitamins, minerals, oils, hormones, aminos, inflammation and infection). This proprietary panel has been developed by Dr. Cheikin over 15 years and will be customized for you. For information about Lab Sets 1 and 2, click here.
If GI Test doses were provided during visit 2, we will review the results and what they mean.
Go to Visit 3 preparation here.
In Visit 4, we will a) review your labs and compare them to both “normal”and optimal values; b) look for patterns of deficiency, stress, inflammation and toxicity; c) prescribe initial core supplements based on labs, your goals and past experience with supplements and d) prepare for lab set 2 which will occur in approximately two to three months.
Most of us have some degree of malnutrition and malabsorption (for video, click
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). Due to soil depletion for over 100 years and toxic accumulation, most of have specific nutritional deficits. The difference between lab sets 1 and 2 will help you understand what you need to do regarding your nutrition.Go to Visit 4 preparation here.
Visit 5 will begin with a review of your supplements, tolerance, and other practical issues regarding their organization. You can bring current and old bottles to review.
Based upon the time remaining, in this visit or the next we will formulate a customized Treatment Program that will move you toward your goals. We will a) review the relationship between your, mind, body, spirit as discovered by this process; b) design an initial treatment plan of three-four months based upon your goals and resources; c) prioritize specialty labs and plan for lab set 2; and d) formulate a preliminary budget for three-four months and schedule your next visits accordingly.
You may be provided with additional Test Dose protocols to help with current symptoms or provide additional diagnostic/ therapeutic information.
Go to Visit 5 preparation here.
These visits will be customized for you, based on your goals, resources, and how fast you need to proceed.
The main themes of these visits are: sleep, hormones, food, gut (allergy), detox and infection. They usually proceed in that order.
Lab set 2, a focused set will be done about 2-3 months after beginning your nutriceutical/food plan program, to see how the levels have changed. If for the worse, this will guide us in future explorations. For video on lab patterns, click
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Typically visits occur every 3 to 8 weeks. Some patients need weekly visits (some can be by phone) or more frequent contacts for support services such as coaching, acupuncture, yoga or other modalities.