… is an ancient form of medicine that is based on chi energy…
Coaching, Tutoring, Mentoring & Case Management Copy
…, like that done for athletes, helps formulate strategies and provide accountability for a healing path.
Conventional Medicine (Pharmaceuticals & Procedures)
Conventional Medicine’s offerings are mostly Pharmaceuticals (man-made chemicals) and Procedures (injections all the way to major surgery) that can assist healing and/or support health.
… “talk therapies”, help understand how past traumas influence your present and future.
… involves several processes that enable the body to mobilize and remove toxins.
Functional & Herbal Medicine
…refers to the chemistry of your body…
Holistic Independent Medical Examination
…, like that done for athletes, helps formulate strategies and provide accountability for a healing path.
Membership, Coaching, Tutoring, Mentoring, Case Management
…, like that done for athletes, helps formulate strategies and provide accountability for a healing path.
Yoga and Mind-Body Practices
Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation, Biofeedback and related practices can optimize the relationship between mind body and spirit.