A modality is something that is done with you to assist you in achieving optimal health. Conventional medical modalities include drugs (pharmaceuticals), surgery, radiation and therapies (psychotherapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy). Holistic modalities can complement and/or replace conventional treatments based on individual circumstances, and start with education and lifestyle modification.
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… is an ancient form of medicine that is based on chi energy…
Coaching, Tutoring, Mentoring & Case Management Copy
…, like that done for athletes, helps formulate strategies and provide accountability for a healing path.
Conventional Medicine (Pharmaceuticals & Procedures)
Conventional Medicine’s offerings are mostly Pharmaceuticals (man-made chemicals) and Procedures (injections all the way to major surgery) that can assist healing and/or support health.
… “talk therapies”, help understand how past traumas influence your present and future.
… involves several processes that enable the body to mobilize and remove toxins.
Functional & Herbal Medicine
…refers to the chemistry of your body…
Holistic Independent Medical Examination
…, like that done for athletes, helps formulate strategies and provide accountability for a healing path.
Membership, Coaching, Tutoring, Mentoring, Case Management
…, like that done for athletes, helps formulate strategies and provide accountability for a healing path.
Yoga and Mind-Body Practices
Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation, Biofeedback and related practices can optimize the relationship between mind body and spirit.