DNP1 Video: Elimination Diets

DNP1 Video: Overview, Toxins, Dairy and Grain ⏱ 11:00
Tai Chi Master with Bill Moyer, 1970s
Jump to minutes 42-50 to see an amazing demonstration of chi energy.
Bicarbonate by Sircus
This acupuncturist has ideas about the relationship between bicarbonate, magnesium, iodine, cancer, and other conditions.
“Brain on Fire” trailer 2:00
True story! A New York Post reporter is diagnosed as bipolar, then alcohol, then epilepsy. Her father and boyfriend find a brain disease that is successfully treated.
Drs. Hoffer-Bland Interview 9:00
Hoffer discovered that niacin can cure schizophrenia and bipolar in the 1960’s. Here he tells what happened.